The STOQ Logo

STOQ-Science,Theology and the Ontological Quest

Faith and reason are like two wings by which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth (Fides et Ratio, 1)


The Lateran University

The Lateran University


This is the web site of the STOQ IV Project at the Lateran University:

You can visit each page of this web site...
  • For obtaining easily any useful information about the STOQ Study and Research Programs at the Lateran University
  • For downloading the available materials useful for your information, study and research
  • For contacting the professors of the STOQ Program at the Lateran University


World Congress "Square of Oppositions - IV" by PUL New

On May 5-9 2014 PUL is honored to host

The Fourth World Congress on the "Square of Oppositions"

With the participation of more than 100 speakers from all over the world.

Download the Congress Handbook with all the abstracts of the speeches. Visit the Italian page of the event.

A new Activity with the II State University of Rome "Tor Vergata"

On October 25th 2012 a new Activity in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences and the Dept. of Philosophy of the II State University of Rome "Tor Vergata" started.

It consists in series of lectures and seminars, jointly offered by Professors and Researchers of Tor Vergata and of the Lateran, in collaboration with other proifessors from several other Universities on the following topics:

"PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. Scientific, Cultural and Research Paths"

For more inforation please visit the Italian Site.

The STOQ IV Activities for the A.Y. 2012-13 begin...



On Monday October 1st, 2012
The New Academic Year begins...

The STOQ IV Activities for the A.Y. 2011-12 begin...


On Monday October 10th, 2011
The New Academic Year begins

First STOQ Lecture by Prof. Barrow
"The Origin of The Universe. What modern cosmology tells us about our place in the Universe", by Prof. John D. Barrow, University of Cambridge, UK, Templeton Prize in 1996. December 10th, 2010, by the Seat of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
Workshop on "Intentionality, Intersubjectivity, Spirituality" New

First Announcement

In the context of the STOQ Research Program at the Lateran University, "A New Anthropology for the Third Millennium", on April 30th, 2010, the Lateran Research Group organized, in collaboration with IRAFS and with the Group of Neurosciences of the Dept. of Human Physiology, a workshop on "Intentionality, Intersubjectivity, Spirituality. From the Neurosciences, to the Philosophy of Mind."
See the Events Page for more details.


50583 "Neurophysiological Basis of Intentionality" New


50583 Neurophysiological Basis of Intentionality

On April 26-30, 2010 the New Course 50583 "Neurophysiological Basis of Intentionality" will be given by Prof. Leonardo Fogassi, of the Dept. of Human Physiology of the State University of Parma. See Courses page for the Course program and the Calendar page for a detailed Course schedule.

2009: Astronomy Year Celebrations at PUL
  • PUL'09 International Conference:
    1609-2009. From Galilei's Telescope to the Evolutionary Cosmology. Science, Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue.
    Pontifical Lateran University, November 30th-December 2nd, 2009.

This Conference closes the Holy See Celebrations for the Galilei's Year in the context of the 2009: International Year of Astronomy.
See the Events Page for the Conference Brochure and the Conference Registration.

It follows the other Symposium organized at PUL at the beginning of the present year:

  • 1609-2009. 400 Years since "Sidereus Nuncius" by Galilei, Pontificia Università Lateranense, 26/2/2009.
    With a Presentation of the New Edition of the Italian Translation of the Sidereus Nuncius by Professor Pietro Giustini, PUL (In Memoriam), with a updated bibliography on the Galileian Affair.
    Go to the page Events for the Symposium Program.
The STOQ IV Activities for the A.Y. 2009-10 begin...
  • On Monday October 12th, 2009 the STOQ IV Research and Teaching Activities officially begin, with the starting of the New Academic Year 2009-10, at the PUL Faculty of Philosophy.
  • The STOQ IV Activities are organically inserted in the new MA Post-graduate (Licence) Program: "Ontology and Ethics of the Scientific Thought", as well as in the BA Under-graduate (Bachelor) Program of the Faculty.
50650 "Elements of Physical Ecology"

50650 "Elements of Physical Ecology"

On December 9-14, 2009 the New Course 50650 "Elements of Physical Cosmology" will be given by Prof. Roberto Messi, the Dept. of Physics of the II State University of Rome "Tor Vergata". See Courses page for the Course program and Calendar page for a detailed Course schedule.