STOQ-Scienza, Teologia e la Questione OntologicaFede e ragione sono come due ali con le quali lo spirito umano s'innalza alla contemplazione della verità (Fides et Ratio, 1) |
A New Anthropology for the Third Millennium
- This Research Program aims at sketching the development lines of an anthropology for the third millennium. Namely, an anthropology able to integrate:
- The contents of the Western Philosophical and Religious Tradition on humanity — particularly the three great Biblical Traditions, Hebrew, Christian and Islamic;
- With the contents of the modern natural sciences on man — particularly, the neurosciences and the cognitive sciences.
The Research Group at the Lateran
- Since the STOQ II Project a Research Group on the Main Theme of the STOQ Research has been consituted by the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Lateran University.
- Some of the results of the activity of the Research Group during the three years of the STOQ II Project can be reviewed in a special part of the download section of this site, and will be collected in a pubblication already in press. More...
International Collaborations
- Though all the Philosophy Faculty Staff at PUL is engaged in this research, some of the Staff Members, are involving in it also their personal collaborations with other Professors and Researchers developing related studies, within their International Institutions.
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